| | Coldplay - A Head of Blood To the Rush (Rush Remix)
 | Rush
| | Coldplay - A Message
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - A Message
 | | Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head (Joey)
 | Joey
 | | Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
 | Papa Wings
 | | Coldplay - Amsterdam (intro)
 | hwksownyou
| | Coldplay - Amsterdam (intro)
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - Amsterdam (with chords)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Amsterdamned
 | Anonymous
| | Coldplay - Cemeteries of london
 | sam
 | | Coldplay - Charlie Brown
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Christmas Lights
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Christmas Lights
 | TheStig
 | | Coldplay - clocks
 | millick
 | | Coldplay - Clocks - MIDI
 | Da Tickler
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (David Sides Version)
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro chords)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | Journey
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | lptom454
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (Intro)
 | Duremville
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | piano_lover_08
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | Harv™
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | Fish&Custard
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | Anonymous
| | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | Deej
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (intro)
 | punn244
 | | Coldplay - Clocks (remix by Bass Ackwards)
 | Bass Ackwards
 | | Coldplay - clocks (Violent Karma Remix)
 | david sides
 | | Coldplay - Clocks In C flat
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Clocks intro
 | xmatthewafcax
 | | Coldplay - Every Tear Drop Is A Waterfall (Intro)
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
 | TheStig
 | | Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall (piano Cover)
 | marosi
 | | coldplay - everythings not lost
 | aussie pride
 | | Coldplay - Fix You
 | eazy3deal
 | | Coldplay - Fix You
 | ElectricBanana
 | | Coldplay - Fix You
 | pfeffer92
 | | Coldplay - Fix You
 | marosi
| | Coldplay - Fix You
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - God Put a Smile (on Your Face)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - God Put a Smile on Your Face (intro)
 | bankster
 | | Coldplay - Green Eyes
 | dclanet725
 | | Coldplay - I Bloom Blaum (intro)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - I Bloom Blaum (intro)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - In My Place (intro chords)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - In My Place (intro)
 | TheStig
 | | Coldplay - In My Place (simple)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Life in Technicolor
 | jo
 | | Coldplay - Life in Technicolor I
 | gatekeeper
 | | Coldplay - Life in Technicolor II
 | toothpastellamas
 | | Coldplay - Life in Technicolor II
 | gatekeeper
 | | Coldplay - Life is for Living (intro)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Life is for Living (verse riff)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Lost
 | i rock hard ;D
 | | Coldplay - Lost
 | novastar
 | | Coldplay - Lost
 | i rock hard ;D
 | | Coldplay - Lost
 | carly.maree
 | | Coldplay - Lost
 | novastar
 | | Coldplay - Lovers in Japan ( Reign of Love )
 | Bito
 | | Coldplay - Paradise
 | jordans
 | | Coldplay - Paridise
 | Heritagehs
 | | Coldplay - Politik (thetourist)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Politik + Custom Chords
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Postcards From Far Away
 | Coldplay&LinkinPark1313
 | | Coldplay - Postcards from Far Away -Complete-
 | Coldplay&LinkinPark1313
| | Coldplay - Rainy Day
 | AnonyMoldplay
 | | Coldplay - Rush of Blood To the Head (with chords)
 | Anonymous
| | Coldplay - Scientist, The
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - Shiver
 | ComeFallWithMe
 | | Coldplay - Shiver
 | de_song
 | | Coldplay - Shiver
 | xmatthewafcax
 | | Coldplay - Sky full of stars
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Speed of Sound
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Speed of Sound
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Speed of Sound
 | marosi
| | Coldplay - Speed of Sound
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - Speed of Sound - MIDI
 | Da Tickler
 | | Coldplay - Swallowed In The Sea
 | hwksownyou
 | | Coldplay - Talk
 | Anonymous
| | Coldplay - Talk
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - Talk
 | TheStig
 | | coldplay - talk intro full
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - The hardest part
 | de_song
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | EXero
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | rockgirl007@gmail.com
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | RaychelEvety
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | vivapong
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | gallo
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | Fish&Custard
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist
 | hwksownyou
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist (intro)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist (Piano Cover)
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist (tourist)
 | tourist
 | | Coldplay - The Scientist(Right Hand)
 | Joshua M Brewer
 | | Coldplay - Trouble
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Trouble (intro)
 | Chris2413
 | | Coldplay - Trouble (intro)
 | EXero
| | Coldplay - Trouble (intro)
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - Trouble (piano)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Viloet Hill
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Violet Hill
 | Marllus
 | | Coldplay - Violet Hill
 | hwksownyou
 | | Coldplay - Violet Hill
 | pinkerton
| | Coldplay - Violet Hill (Sheet Music)
 | Anonymous
 | | Coldplay - Viva l Vida
 | trocket4
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida
 | gatekeeper
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida
 | Ziggy230
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida
 | Mysterytabber
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida - With Lyrics
 | N0Life
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida (6 Different intro styles )
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Piano Cover)
 | marosi
 | | Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Ryan Jones Version)
 | marosi
| | Coldplay - Warning Sign (ending)
 | Ryan
 | | Coldplay - What If
 | dclanet725
 | | Coldplay - Yellow
 | MarzipanAlbatross
 | | Coldplay - Yellow
 | sashabeani
 | | Coldplay - Yellow
 | msr
 | | Coldplay - Yellow (Piano Cover)
 | marosi
 | | coldplay - yellow octave corrected
 | rgarand
123 Song(s) |